
As of , in the last month there have been: 5 fixes, 3 updates, and 3 features.

The following are featured changesets from the past year…

Adding recipes collection.

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This has been something I've been meaning to do for a long time, but I finally got around to stubbing in the basics. I keep a local text file on my main desktop, that I have filled with some of the basic recipes and meals that I regular cook and enjoy. I really want to get those into both a more durable place, but also continue some long-running experiments around recipe formatting.

This first recipe that I'm adding is just a basic bread recipe that I use almost weekly. But just like this new collection, it's really just a jumping off point for more experimentation. I look forward to collating more these and exploring new/better formatting options.

Adding support for featured conventional commits

⸺ See on github

Inspired by a random thought I had on mastodon: this site now generates a /changelog page that is generated from the git commit history. Aside from general statistics. it will grab the contents of commits like this one and render them as Featured Changesets during compilation. I don't know if I've ever seen anybody else talk about doing something quite like this, so I think this could be pretty interesting to explore in the future.

I'm a big fan of git blame and other VCS-centric annotation systems. I have always tried to curate meaningful commit messages as the "ideal". So, being able to embed a microblog entry in the commit history, but still have them accessible on the web feels really nice. I also think that it might, at least for me, lower the barrier to entry to write about the changes that I make to the site, that maybe I normally wouldn't. Because while I don't have to write a blog about my work, I always make a commit.

So, we'll see where this goes… but I'm excited.